establishing a company in dubai

Every investor wants to establish a company in Dubai because of its many advantages and benefits, such as providing an advanced infrastructure, easy access to regional and global markets, and easy requirements and procedures, which makes it a location that provides all the needs that every investor needs. In this article, we will be interested in explaining everything about establishing a company in Dubai from start to finish, and we will be interested in explaining everything that is ambiguous, and also how you can cooperate with Tdabeer Company to establish the company successfully.

Steps to establish a company in Dubai

Establishing a company in Dubai requires following many smooth and simplified steps and procedures to establish the company without facing any trouble.

The basic stages of establishing a company in Dubai are as follows:

  1. Determining the type of company: It is very obvious that before establishing any company, the purpose of building the company must be determined, and based on that, you determine the type of company you want to establish, and the available companies are either a local company (L.L.C. Limited Liability Company), a free zone company, a public joint stock company, and other available legal companies.
    Choosing a company name: A unique and distinctive name must be chosen, and it must be ensured that it is available for registration and is compatible with the laws and regulations of the state, and it must be ensured that there is no other company using the same name.
  2. Identifying the parties to contribute and shareholders: Identifying the people who will own shares in the company.
  3. Preparing legal documents: Preparing the documents required to establish the company, such as agreements, contracts, and charters. You can seek the help of a lawyer or consultant to help prepare these documents and ensure that they are compatible with the laws and regulations of the state.
  4. Registering the company and obtaining a license: Submitting the required papers to register the company and obtaining a commercial license to start working legally and paying the registration fees.
  5. Opening a bank account: A bank account must be opened, and an initial balance must be placed in it, which is important for every company.
  6. Preparing an annual report: Preparing annual financial reports and submitting tax returns to clarify compliance with the laws of the state.

Documents required to establish a company in Dubai

Establishing a company in Dubai, usually papers and documents are requested when establishing a company, and in this paragraph, we provide you with the documents and papers that will usually be requested from you, but this does not prevent you from asking the competent authorities about the papers required when establishing a company to ensure full compliance:

  • Photocopies of the founders’ passports.
  • Determine the company name that is compatible with the laws of the country.
  • Incorporation contract: The agreement contract must be signed between the founders in accordance
  • with the terms and conditions and delivered.
  • Obtaining a certificate of incorporation of the company.
  • Submitting a letter of authorization in the event of appointing an executive director or agent for the company.
  • Providing the company’s location.
  • Obtaining a special license such as a building permit or a health license.
  • A statement of opening a bank account and conducting bank transactions.
  • Obtaining special permits for some special activities.

Company Establishment Fees in Dubai

When establishing a company in Dubai, it is important to be aware of the expected costs and fees when establishing a company in Dubai. These fees vary from one region to another and from one type of company to another. Therefore, in this paragraph, we will present the expected and famous fees that no company is free from paying:

  • Fees allocated to registering the company: These fees include the authorities responsible for registering the company and reserving the distinctive company name.
  • Consultant and accountant fees: When using legal or accounting consulting services to help you prepare financial reports and develop a strategic plan to start establishing the company, the matter requires fees.
  • Work visa: In the event that you employ a foreigner, you will bear the cost of the visa and related permits.
  • Rent and equipment: If you are planning to rent a place for the company, there are monthly rental costs, and if the place is not equipped and needs finishing, this requires additional fees.
  • Insurance: The company is covered in terms of insurance and needs to pay insurance costs related to workers and property.
  • Salaries and incentives: Providing salaries, health insurance and incentives for the employees you will employ in your company.

We have mentioned some of the possible fees when establishing a company in Dubai. It is recommended to contact our company to know the details about your company and through it we can help you clarify the exact fees and costs.

Types of companies in Dubai

There are several types of companies in Dubai that are legally available to every investor, and we will mention the common types of them:

  • Local company (Limited Liability Company – LLC): It is a company consisting of two or more people, and it is a special form of limited liability companies.
  • Free Zone Company: This type of company is popular with many investors, and the company is established in the free zone, and it contains many advantages such as full ownership by foreigners, tax exemptions, and ease of export and import.
  • Public Joint Stock Company (PJSC): It is a form of company that mostly depends on selling shares and the stock exchange.
  • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP): It includes medical offices, law offices, and accounting. There is a difference in some key points between LLP and LLC.
  • Sole Proprietorship: The company is fully owned by one person.

These are some of the common types of companies available for establishment in Dubai, contact us for more accurate information about any type of company in Dubai.


Economic sectors for establishing a company in Dubai

The main economic sectors for establishing a company in Dubai are many, due to the rapid economic growth and industrial prosperity in Dubai and the famous and well-known economic sectors are as follows:

  • Buildings and real estate: The real estate and building investment industry is considered one of the most important economic sectors in Dubai. As the city of Dubai is a tourist city and contains real estate, hotels and developed places, which provides opportunities for good investment in real estate.
  • Financial Services: Dubai provides many financial services in Dubai such as banks, investment, asset management and Islamic banks.
  • Trade and Distribution: The trade and distribution industry are very distinctive in Dubai, due to Dubai’s strategic location and proximity to airports and ports and the presence of all means of transportation, which facilitates the import and export of products, and the distribution of products in international and global markets, and these are among the guaranteed investment opportunities in Dubai.
  • Tourism and Entertainment: Dubai is naturally one of the luxurious tourist cities in the world due to its famous tourist attractions and global shopping centers, and distinctive and luxurious buildings and architecture, which attracts tourists from all over the world and contributes to improving the country’s economy, and it is among the guaranteed and profitable investment opportunities.
  • Innovation and Modern Technology: Dubai promotes digital transformation and the application of modern technologies. Recently, Dubai has expanded in this field, and there are cities dedicated to this field in the free zone, and Dubai competes in exporting electronic products and technology industries globally.
  • Creative Content: This field includes drama, film production, music, acting, and others, and there is a city in Dubai for this industry called Dubai Production City.
    This is an overview of the famous industries and there are other industries that you can learn about through our company, and you can find out what suits you.

    Legal services available to facilitate the establishment process

Tdabeer Company provides some facilities to help companies in the beginning of establishing a company in Dubai:

  1. Assistance in preparing legal documents: We can help you prepare the establishment documents and important contracts, such as company contracts and investment contracts.
  2. Legal consultations: Lawyers provide all legal consultations related to the establishment process, including registering the company and choosing the name, and all legal requirements, as well as the rights of partners and shareholders.
  3. Translation of documents: Translate documents into the required language and understand them legally correctly.
  4. Documenting requirements legally.
  5. Legal representation: If you need a lawyer to represent you before government agencies and legal authorities in the establishment process procedures, submit documents and follow up on procedures.
  6. Tax and financial consultations: To understand the tax obligations related to the company, you must seek the help of a lawyer or consultant, and law offices can provide these consultations.

    Tips for establishing a company in Dubai


  1. Research and develop a plan: First and before you start establishing a company in Dubai, make sure to sufficiently research how to establish your company, what types are available, and what are the laws and regulations for the region in which the company will be established. Check the legal and financial requirements required and develop a plan that includes financial goals and others.
  2. Helping a consultant or lawyer: It is recommended to appoint a legal consultant or lawyer to be able to guide you on the necessary legal procedures and provide legal advice in order to choose the legal structure that will suit your company.
  3. Having an accountant: In all cases, you will need a financial accountant to prepare the data and financial statements and coordinate them accurately and organized.
  4. Appointing a local partner: A local partner has many advantages, including that he has experience in the local market and helps you overcome cultural and linguistic obstacles.
  5. Obtaining a license and permits: Make sure to receive the company license. You may need a commercial license or other types of commercial licenses in Dubai for your company.
    Benefit from consulting offices to establish companies.
  6. Find a suitable location: Choose a suitable geographical location, so that you are close to your target customers. And take advantage of the free zones that offer you commercial advantages such as tax and customs exemptions, ease of requirements and procedures, and other advantages available in the region.
  7. Financing opportunities: At the beginning of establishing the company, you may need financing to move the company at the beginning. Search for available financing opportunities such as obtaining a commercial loan, obtaining an investor, and local companies to invest, which will help you at the beginning.
  8. Marketing: There must be a marketing team in the company, which will help the company appear and achieve sales faster at the beginning.
  9. Building relationships: Build a network of relationships with businessmen, investors, project owners and businesses, and expand your network of relationships inside and outside the country.

Establishing a company in Dubai requires research, planning, and adherence to all legal and local procedures. And obtaining appropriate support from investors or investment offices.

The benefits you get from establishing a company in Dubai

Establishing a company in Dubai is an excellent option for every investor seeking to establish a new company, and because Dubai is one of the investment cities that offers many advantages, it has many benefits for every investor. Dubai is one of the world’s commercial and economic centers and has an advanced economic infrastructure and a geographical location that brings companies closer to local and global markets. We will present the main benefits that you will get when establishing a company in Dubai:

  • An encouraging investment environment: Ease of establishing a company in an encouraging investment environment, ease of government procedures that encourage investors to establish companies in Dubai, and if the investor is a foreigner, he can own the company completely, and the proximity of companies to the port, airports and transportation that facilitate the import and export process, as well as tax exemptions, which makes the investment environment encouraging for you as an investor.
  • Diversified economy: Dubai has multiple sectors such as real estate, trade and distribution, tourism and entertainment, and services. This economy provides opportunities for establishing companies in various fields.
  • Access to global markets: Due to Dubai’s distinguished geographical location, this makes the opportunities for access to global markets greater. Dubai’s proximity to Asia and Africa enhances the opportunities for expansion, product distribution and increasing customers.
  • Advanced infrastructure: The presence of international airports, seaports, highways, communications and other means that make Dubai’s infrastructure a modern, advanced infrastructure that facilitates communication with partners, traders and others.
  • Government facilities: The Dubai government provides facilities in procedures and requirements, as registration and obtaining the necessary licenses can be done with ease.
  • Political stability and security: Dubai enjoys security and political stability, which provides a safe and secure environment for companies and enhances confidence among investors.
  • Multilingualism and cultures: Dubai is considered a multilingual and multicultural city, where people from all over the world work, which enhances the multiculturalism of the country.


Finally, we talked about establishing a company in Dubai and in cooperation with Tdabeer Company, which is an ideal choice for ambitious companies that seek to achieve the goals of new companies, especially in Dubai. With Tadbeer Company, you can establish your company in a reliable and successful manner. Dubai is one of the attractive investment cities in the world because of the availability of all investment opportunities, and because of the diversity of economic sectors and the diversity of companies available for establishment, the ease of government procedures, and the advanced infrastructure. All these available means make you, as an investor, want to establish a company in Dubai.

By using Tdabeer Company’s experience and integrated services, investors can build their own companies in a successful competitive environment and achieve permanent profit and continuous success. If you are looking for a good investment opportunity in Dubai, contact Tdabeer Company, as together we can achieve permanent success.

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