Conditions for establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners

Dubai is considered one of the best cities in the world for investment and establishing companies, not only for Emirati people, but also for foreigners. In the lines of this article, we will talk about all the conditions for establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners. Continue reading with us to get to know these conditions better.

Steps necessary to establish a company in Dubai

In order to be able to accurately understand the conditions for establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners, you must first know the steps for establishing a company in Dubai. This is because most of these steps include conditions for establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners. These steps are:

1- Determine the nature of the company’s activity

The step of determining the nature of the company’s economic activity is the first and most important step in establishing a company in Dubai. In addition, there are some conditions related to this step, that is, there are some activities that foreigners can work in in Dubai, and some activities that are prohibited for them.

It is worth noting here that the city of Dubai provides more than 2,000 economic activities in which foreigners can work, and one license can contain more than one activity at the same time.

2- Determine the legal form of the company

The second step in establishing a company in Dubai is determining the legal form of the company. Dubai allows foreigners to choose from 13 legal forms for companies to be established there. As a foreign investor, you must choose the legal form of your company so that you can establish it in Dubai.

3- Determine the company’s trade name

One of the most important conditions for establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners is choosing the correct trade name for the company. The UAE law contains some conditions that the business name or commercial company name must fulfill in order for this company to be approved.

4- Obtaining initial approval

The fourth step in this process is to secure and obtain initial approval. This approval is obtained after completing the previous steps without any problems. It is obtained by the relevant authorities in the city. It is worth noting here that initial approval is considered a very important step and an important condition for establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners.

5- Articles of Association

Another one of the most important requirements for establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners is the Articles of Association. This contract is concluded directly after selecting the site for establishing the company, or shortly before selecting these sites. In addition, this contract can change slightly for different companies, depending on the nature of the company and the nature of its economic activity.

6- Commercial license

After fully completing the previous steps, the investor can obtain his own commercial license to practice business in Dubai. Note that you can obtain this license online or through the relevant government agencies.

7- Additional licenses

Not all types of companies are required to obtain additional licenses beyond the licenses mentioned previously. But for some companies, obtaining additional licenses is considered an important matter and an important condition for establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners. Among the most prominent of these licenses, we mention to you the licenses of some ministries in the Emirates, such as the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Justice, and others.

Does establishing a company for foreigners in the UAE require an Emirati partner?

The conditions of the Emirates Investment Authority for foreign investors in Dubai stipulate the presence of a partner holding Emirati citizenship, or the use of approved service offices instead. However, it must be noted that some specific activities do not require the presence of an Emirati partner, such as accounting or legal activities.

Activities allowed for foreigners in Dubai

The Emirates Investment Authority allows foreigners to practice some activities in the city of Dubai, the most prominent of which we mention to you:

  • Trading and owning real estate within Dubai.
  • Air transportation of various types.
  • Working in providing consultations to companies within the UAE.

Activities prohibited for foreigners in Dubai

In addition to the permitted activities, the Emirates Investment Authority grants foreign persons the right to practice some activities, the most prominent of which are:

  • Activities related to mining or mining investment, which may include oil, gold, minerals, etc.
  • Any activity that includes establishing or managing advertising agencies within the UAE, or providing consultations to these agencies.
  • Activities and businesses related to the field of aviation within the country, or buying and selling shares of UAE airline companies.

What are the advantages of investing in Dubai?

In our current era, Dubai is considered one of the largest economic cities ever, and for this reason it is widely resorted to for various economic investment services. In addition, the strategic location of this city makes it a great destination for many Arab and foreign investors.

On top of all that, Dubai is considered one of the most technologically advanced cities in the world. Which opens the door to a lot of different types of investments that can be made in it. Finally, the city provides a large number of different facilities, especially for establishing and establishing companies in Dubai for foreigners. For these reasons and others combined, investing in Dubai is considered one of the best types of investment in general.

Tdabeer company for establishing companies in Dubai

Thanks to many years of experience in this field, the team at Tdabeer Company can facilitate the steps for establishing your own company in Dubai. Contact us to ensure the progress of your business and establish your own company as quickly and smoothly as possible.

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