Establishing a tourism company in the Emirates is one of the profitable investments, and all entrepreneurs want to invest and establish companies in this field to guarantee quick profit from it only in the event of developing a solid strategic plan, appointing a lawyer to help you in everything related to the law, and seeking the help of a consulting office such as Tdabeer, through which the papers for establishing the company, registration and obtaining the license are prepared and completed in a time not exceeding three days, and other factors that, if present, ensure the investor profit from this field. In this article, we will work to clarify all matters related to establishing a tourism company in Dubai, what are the advantages of establishing a tourism company, what are the requirements for the establishment procedures, and the fees related to it.


Establishing a tourism services company

Dubai is characterized by luxurious buildings and attractive architecture, which makes it a tourist city and tourists flock to it from all Arab and foreign countries of the world, and this is a good point for every entrepreneur and every investor who wants to invest in the Emirates.

Why investment in Dubai?

  • Dubai is characterized by the presence of an advanced infrastructure.
  • Political stability.
  • Governments that encourage investment in the region.
  • Diversity of business sectors, which increases investment opportunities.
  • The advantage of innovation and development in the industry.
  • It contains a high degree of security and stability.
  • And you can establish a company online, which saves effort and time.


What are the benefits of tourism in Dubai?

More than millions of tourists visit Dubai annually, and between January and May 2024, more than 8.12 million tourists visited Dubai and visitors are expected to increase by 11%. Tourism investment has developed recently due to the advantages provided by the Investment Authority and investment entities. We mention the following advantages:

Investment in Dubai for foreigners: Dubai laws are characterized by the presence of many facilities and legislation available to establish a tourism company in Dubai for non-citizens of the UAE.
Tourism activation: Changing some regulations and legislation in the country to activate the tourism sector and reducing the fees for company registration requirements and obtaining a license.
Get advice: It no longer takes a long time to establish a company, but in a few days the company is established quickly.

The opportunity to establish a company online in the Emirates has also been made available. You can use Tdabeer Company to obtain more information about establishing your own company.

The tourism sector in Dubai is flourishing over time, and as we see the increasing number of tourists to the country, if you are an investor or business owner who wants to expand your business network in Dubai, Tdabeer Company can help you with this.




Requirements for establishing a tourism company in Dubai?

  1. Determining the tourism activity: What is meant here is whether your tourism activity is related to domestic tourism only or international tourism.
  2. Company management: Will the company be managed from Dubai, or from your current home, all of this helps to determine the legal structure of the company as follows:


Obtaining a tourism license in Dubai:

There are many tourism licenses depending on the activity that the company will carry out:

Travel and tourism services license: It is only for services such as visas, transportation, and anything related to tourism.

Domestic tour operator: A domestic tour operator license is obtained, i.e. within the UAE only.

External tour operator: A foreign tour operator license is obtained, i.e. outside the country, to and from Dubai.

Authorized airline agent license: A commercial agency is obtained from an airline to allow the sale of airline tickets and other tourism programs.

After the company obtains the necessary licenses from the Dubai Tourism Department, it is allowed to practice various commercial activities.

How to determine the nature of business?

There are two types of nature and location of work:

Mainland companies: It allows the company to work inside and outside the UAE, and the appropriate legal structure is determined for it.

Free zone companies: They depend on tourism outside the country only, and are characterized by flexible management, and the elimination of some tourism activities without the need to be present in the UAE.
Limited liability companies are the most popular and present, but in order to determine the legal structure that is appropriate for you, you must seek the assistance of a company formation office in Dubai to clarify the company’s status and the activities you want to engage in.


In the end, establishing a tourism company in Dubai is one of the very profitable things, but before starting, do not forget to consult specialists and establishment offices, and seek their help to develop a sound plan and strategy.

Read in detail: Establishing a holding company in Dubai | Investing in Dubai


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