Golden Residency in the UAE allows investors or tourists wishing to live, work or study in the UAE to live there for up to 10 years. This residency also has many wonderful features, which make it one of the best residency programs ever. During the lines of today’s article, we will talk about all the information related to golden residency in the Emirates. Continue reading with us to learn more information about it.

What is golden residency in the UAE?

It is a visa that allows people who do not have an Emirati ID to live within the Emirates for up to 10 years. If this residency is obtained, there is no need to obtain a separate tourist visa with it. For this reason, many people resort to applying for golden residency, for the purposes of studying, living and working within the Emirates.

Gold residency features

A person holding the Golden Residency Program in the UAE enjoys the following features:

  • Ability to access the UAE market more easily
  • It is not necessary to have an Emirati sponsor while working
  • Residency status is not affected by more than six months spent outside the UAE
  • Children of persons holding this residency are also exempt from the same laws that apply to them
  • A person holding a golden residency can renew it for a period of 5 or years
  • It is considered one of the best long-term stays in general
  • It is considered an ideal choice for studying in the UAE
  • The ability to obtain Emirati citizenship in addition to basic citizenship
  • It is considered an ideal residence for work, study, or settling in the Emirates for long periods
  • Receive many government benefits, including health, educational, and social benefits
  • Exemption from most taxes on the income of the residency holder
  • Its duration can reach 10 years
  • The ability to bring the family of the residency holder to the Emirates easily

The most prominent categories of golden residency holders in the Emirates

The following categories can apply for golden residency in the Emirates:

  • Investors in the real estate sector
  • Entrepreneurs
  • People with exceptional talent
  • Distinguished students or graduates
  • Contributors to humanitarian work
  • Scientists
  • Professionals
  • Doctors and nurses
  • In addition to certain other categories

Application fees for golden residency

In general, the fees for applying for this residency vary depending on many factors. The most prominent of these factors is the category to which the applicant belongs, i.e. one of the categories mentioned in the previous paragraph. In addition, fees also differ if the person is located inside or outside the Emirates, but slightly. For this reason, we cannot specifically state the fees or costs for this accommodation. But you must know that the applicant will have to pay fees for the medical examination, processing fees, and obtain Emirati health insurance. If the application for residency is rejected, a percentage of the fees paid can be refunded.

Tdabeer Company..the perfect solution

The Tdabeer Company team can help you secure golden residency easily, as the team will implement all the necessary steps to obtain this residency, and will also provide you with all the information you want to know about it. Do not hesitate to contact us to take advice or consultation in this field.

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