The cost of establishing a company in Dubai

Many people want to establish their own companies in Dubai, because it is currently considered one of the most successful cities in the world from a commercial and professional standpoint. In order to be able to establish your own company in Dubai, there are many things that you must know first, and the most prominent of these things is the economic aspect. For this reason, we will talk in the lines of this article about the cost of establishing a company in Dubai. Continue reading with us to know more details.

The cost of establishing a company in Dubai

Before we start talking about the cost of establishing a company in Dubai, you must first know that the cost of establishing any company changes greatly based on several factors. The most prominent of these factors is the type and size of the company, as some types of companies require small amounts, while others require large amounts. In any case, there are some general amounts that must be paid while establishing a company in Dubai, and these amounts are:

1- The cost of registering the company

One of the most important fees for establishing a company in Dubai is the company registration fee. These fees are defined as fees that are paid only once, during the establishment of the company for the first time. In general, these fees change according to the region in which the company is located, in addition to the nature of the company’s legal structure as well. It can range between 9,000 and 10,000 UAE dirhams in general.

2- Commercial license costs

In addition to the cost of registering the company, there are fees for obtaining a commercial license for the business as well. As is the case with the previous fees, these fees vary according to the region in which the company is located, and they also differ according to the nature of the company’s work. In general, we can say that the fees for obtaining a commercial license in Dubai range approximately between 1,000 and 50,000 AED. Note that you must pay an additional fee annually in order to be able to renew this license.

3- Capital

Another one of the most notable cost fees for setting up a company in Dubai is capital. The value of capital varies greatly between one company and another, and this depends mainly on the nature of the company’s work and the nature of its economic activity. In addition, this amount can vary from person to person. For this reason, the capital factor is considered one of the most important things that contribute to changing the value of the cost of establishing a company in Dubai, and it can range between 1,000 and 1,000,000 AED.

4- The costs of entering the labor market

There are some additional costs that a company must pay in order to operate properly in the market, which are known as market entry fees or costs. These costs may include:

  • Market entry fees subject to the local law system, which are approximately 5% of the value of the company’s lease contract.
  • Additional costs are determined according to a committee affiliated with the competent authorities in Dubai for
  • foreign investors.
    The costs of a foreign investor’s residence in Dubai are estimated at approximately 5% of the value of the housing contract.
  • Waste-related costs are estimated by the Dubai Waste Committee.

5- Office fees

In order for your company to function properly in Dubai, you must also take into account the office costs of this company. The office space required by companies varies based on many different factors, such as the nature of the company’s work and its budget, in addition to the number of people working in it and the area in which it is located as well.

It is worth noting here that Dubai provides office space suitable for most types of companies, and at prices that are compatible with their income as well. These spaces are generally equipped to carry out all the necessary work for companies, and their prices range between 10,000 and 50,000 AED. Due to the varying prices here, the cost of establishing a company in Dubai changes from one person to another.

What are the advantages of establishing a company in Dubai?

Based on the past paragraphs, the idea of ​​establishing a company in Dubai may seem to you to be a rather expensive idea. But in reality, the budget required to establish companies in Dubai varies depending on the company and the nature of its work in the first place. In addition, Dubai offers you many legal and economic facilities that make this process quick and profitable. The most prominent of these facilities are:

  • Raising taxes on certain types of companies, most notably natural resource extraction companies.
  • Reducing taxes, for example, the tax for companies whose income does not exceed 375 thousand AED is 0%. That is, these companies are completely exempt from taxes.
  • The tax rate within the UAE itself is low compared to other countries, especially economically developing countries such as Dubai.
  • The UAE offers many facilities during the process of establishing and establishing companies, especially for foreigners. Such as legal facilities that encourage foreign investors to establish their own companies in Dubai.

Tdabeer Company is always with you

Tdabeer Company will meet all your aspirations and fully implement your steps from A to Z in establishing your company in Dubai. Feel free to contact us and join our client list.

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